Research and Policy Making Through the Data of Platform Enterprises

Katherine Reilly
Simon Fraser University
Katherine Reilly is Associate Professor in the School of Communications at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. She has a long history of research in the field of ICT4D and Open Development and has recently begun studying the peer-to-peer mobile economy in developing countries. She is co-editor of a special edition on the Sharing Economy in the Journal of Developing Societies with Anil Hira (2017), and co-editor of Open Development: Networked Innovations in International Development with Matthew Smith (MIT Press, 2014).

Carol Muñoz Nieves
Simon Fraser University
Carol is a Cuban scholar in the field of mass communication and media industries, with experience as a researcher, university lecturer, journalist, social media manager and webmaster. She is just completing an MA in Communications at Simon Fraser University, Canada. Her research interests relate to the political economy of telecommunications and wireless systems, state socialism, sharing economy and Marxism.
Towards Inclusive Platformization in Nigeria
Kemi Ogunyemi
Lagos business school
Kemi Ogunyemi is the Director of the Christopher Kolade Centre for Research in Leadership and Ethics at Lagos Business School, Nigeria. Her consulting and research interests include personal ethos and organizational culture, responsible leadership and sustainability, and work-life ethic. She has authored over thirty articles, case studies and book chapters and the book titled ‘Responsible Management: Understanding Human Nature, Ethics and Sustainability’. She edited the series 'Teaching Ethics Across the Management Curriculum' and is a member of the expert group for UNODC's Education for Justice (E4J) initiative.
Ogechi Adeola
Lagos Business School
Ogechi Adeola teaches Marketing Management at the Lagos Business School (Pan-Atlantic University), Nigeria. Her research interests include tourism and hospitality marketing, strategic marketing, digital marketing strategies, brand management, export marketing strategies, microfinance and financial inclusion in developing economies, particularly sub-Saharan Africa.
Martha Onyeajuwa
Pan-Atlantic UNIVERSIty
Martha Onyeajuwa, holds a PhD in Communications policy from the University of Westminster, UK and an Executive MBA from the International Graduate School of Management, University of Navarra, Spain. In 2011, Martha joined the School of Media and Communication, Pan-Atlantic University as member of faculty. Currently she facilitates Market Research and Digital Color Technology. Previously, she has had an extensive career in the telecommunications industry, working as Director, Standards and later Director, Traffic and Network Optimization at the Nigerian Communications Commission.
Uchechukwu Aneke
University of Ibadan
Uchechukwu Aneke is a legal practitioner and a volunteer Research Assistant at the Christopher Kolade Centre for Research in Leadership and Ethics (CRLE). She is a graduate of law from the Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu. She later went to the Nigerian Law School in 2011 and was called to the Nigerian Bar as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria in 2012. Uche is currently working on a LL.M degree at the University of Ibadan while volunteering with Lagos Business School.
Data Policies: Regulatory Approaches for Data-Driven Platforms in the UK and EU
United Kingdom

Arne HIntz
Cardiff University
Arne Hintz is Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, Cardiff University, where he leads the MA Digital Media and Society, and co-directs the Data Justice Lab. His research addresses questions of digital democracy and communication policy. He has led the collaborative research project Digital Citizenship and Surveillance Society: State-Media-Citizen Relations After the Snowden Leaks and chairs the Global Media Policy Working Group of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), and has contributed as policy expert to the work of organisations such as the Open Rights Group. His publications include, among others, Beyond WikiLeaks (2013).

Lina Dencik
Cardiff University
Lina Dencik is Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University's School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies. Her research concerns the interplay between media developments and social and political change, with a particular focus on resistance and globalization. Recently, she has moved into the areas of digital surveillance and the politics of data and is Co-Director of the Data Justice Lab at Cardiff University, UK. Her publications include Media and Global Civil Society (2012), Worker Resistance and Media (2015) and Critical Perspectives on Social Media and Protest (2015). Lina is Principal Investigator on the project 'Data justice: understanding datafication in relation to social justice' funded by a Starting Grant from the European Research Council.

Joanna Redden
Cardiff University
Joanna Redden is a Lecturer at Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies. Her research focuses on the datafication of governance. She investigates how government information systems and service provision are changing, the democratic implications of changing government practices and how these changes are affecting people. Previous work has considered the relationships between digital media and poverty politics. Joanna is Co-Director of the Data Justice Lab at Cardiff University, UK. She is co-editor of Compromised Data: From Social Media to Big Data (2015) and author of The Mediation of Poverty: The News, New Media and Politics (2014).
Peer to Peer lending platforms as tools for financial inclusion in Uruguay

Mercedes Aguirre
ORT University
Mercedes Aguirre holds a Master’s degree on Financial Management, a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Universidad ORT Uruguay and a specialization in Risk Management from Alcalá University. In line with her specialization in Microfinance from the Boulder Institute of Microfinance, she has devoted several years to research topics related to Small and Medium Enterprises as well as the microinsurance market. She has more than 12 years’ experience working in the area of financial markets in fields such as capital markets, retirement pension financials and sovereign wealth funds, among others. As team lead of the Risk and Financial Services in Willis Towers Watson’s Research and Innovation Center she has participated in several research initiatives such as the book Enterprise Risk Management for Small and Medium Enterprises, published in collaboration with the US Society of Actuaries. Her academic experience involves more than 5 years teaching at both bachelor and Master degree programs in Universidad ORT Uruguay and Universidad Americana of Paraguay, covering the fields of risk management and capital markets.

Sandra Garcia-Rivadulla
independent researcher
Sandra Garcia-Rivadulla holds a Bachelor’s degree in Library and Information Science from Universidad de la República (UdelaR, Uruguay), and a Master’s degree on Digital Libraries and Information Services from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. She has more than 15 years’ work experience in different types of libraries: university, research centers, popular and schools libraries, later joining Willis Towers Watson’s Research and Innovation Center. She has been part of the research group Information Literacy and Reading Competences supported by the Program for the Academic Development of Information and Communication (PRODIC), an initiative of the Faculty of Information and Communication (FIC), UdelaR. Her research has focused on information literacy and the social web in libraries.
A New Land of Giants: Policy for Digital Platforms in Media and Audiovisual Markets in Brazil

Francisco Brito Cruz
Francisco is a co-Director of the InternetLab and the project lead for the InternetLab Reports project. Francisco holds a master’s degree in Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law from the University of São Paulo (Brazil), where he also earned his bachelor of laws degree (LL.B., 2011). He is a member of Brazil’s Empirical Legal Research Network (REED) and winner of the “Brazil’s Internet Framework Bill & Development Award” (Google/FGV-SP). In 2013, Francisco was a visiting researcher at the Center for the Study of Law and Society from the University of California at Berkeley. He was also a teaching assistant at Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School. Between 2012 and 2014, he acted as the coordinator of the Internet, Law & Society Nucleus at the University of São Paulo (NDIS-USP).

Mariana Valente
Mariana is a co-Director of the InternetLab and a PhD candidate in Sociology of Law at the University of São Paulo, where she also earned her Masters degree. She was a Visiting Researcher at the UC Berkeley School of Law, Boalt Hall between 2016 and 2017. In 2015 and 2016, she coordinated the Law, Internet and Society Nucleus at the University of São Paulo (NDIS-USP). Between 2014 and 2016, she was a researcher and consultant for the Digital Collections Project at the Center for Technology and Society at FGV, where she also co-coordinated the Open Business Models Project, focusing on copyright in the digital music era (2012-2014), and taught the Intellectual Rights class (2014) at the Law school. At FGV, she was one of the legal coordinators of the Creative Commons Brazil. Since 2008, she is also a reasearcher at the Brazilian Center of Law and Democracy for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP), where she co-authored projects for the Thinking the Law program (Ministry of Justice), in the areas of women’s rights, legislative process and intellectual property.

Maria Luciano
In addition to being a researcher at InternetLab, Maria is currently pursuing her Masters in Law at the University of São Paulo, where she also earned her Bachelor of Laws degree (LL.B., 2016). She is a former scholarship holder from Programa de Tutoria Científico-Acadêmica, Programa de Estímulo ao Ensino de Graduação (PEEG) and Programa de Educação Tutorial (PET), of the Brazilian Ministry of Education. She has previously worked as a researcher at FGV DIREITO SP.
Protection of Users in the Platform Economy: a European perspective
France, Belgium, Italy

Rossana Ducato
Université Catholique de Louvain
Rossana is a postdoctoral researcher in Law at Université Catholique de Louvain and Université Saint-Louis de Bruxelles. She is currently working as principal investigator on the project “The Internet of Platforms: an empirical research on private ordering and consumer protection in the sharing economy”. She is also a lecturer in Comparative e-Health Law at the University of Trento (Italy) and a fellow of the Law and Technology research group (Faculty of Law, University of Trento). Her research interests are always pursued in a comparative vein and range from Tort and Contract Law, to Consumer protection, Intellectual Property, and Privacy, with a special focus on the problems related to new technologies and their impact on society.

Alain Strowel
Saint-Louis University
Alain is professor at the Saint-Louis University (Brussels) and the UCLouvain. He specializes in intellectual property and information and technology law. He teaches courses in digital copyright and media and information law. The intersections between law and technology and law and innovation are at the core of his teachings and research. At UCLouvain, Alain teaches among others, a course on ‘Intellectual Property and New Technology’. He also teaches for LLM programs organized by the KULeuven (course of ‘Design law’) and the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (‘Practice of copyright law’).

Anne-Grace Kleczewski
Université Catholique de Louvain
After graduating from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Anne-Grace started her career as a corporate lawyer handling mergers and acquisitions in one of Belgian major law firms. Participating at a start-up contest and attending entrepreneurship themed conferences however triggered her interest in the business of collaborative platforms and being part of the sharing economy phenomenon. She now researches this topic and its regulatory implications in terms of liability, governance and taxation of both platforms and their providers as a full-time researcher at the CRIDES center of the law faculty at the Université Catholique de Louvain.

Enguerrand Marique
University Catholique De Louvain
Enguerrand Marique holds a Masters in Transnational, Comparative and Foreign Law (MA, UCLouvain, Belgium, 2016). Enguerrand also studied International Commercial Law at UC Davis, California and began his doctoral research in September 2016. His research focuses mainly on the legal means to build trust in the platform economy with a multidisciplinary focus (law, economics and sociology). He is a member of ROSELS, the Research Observatory on Sharing Economy, Law, and Society.

Céline Wattecamps
Université Catholique de Louvain
Céline works as a teaching assistant and is a PhD candidate at the Université catholique de Louvain, where she obtained her law degree. She specialized in labor and social security law at the Université libre de Bruxelles. She started her career by working as an employment lawyer during 6 years at the Barreau de Bruxelles. Going back to university has been the perfect opportunity for her to engage in the stimulating and international world of scientific research. Celine became passionate about labor law because of its focus on human relationships. She likes to explore work and employment related questions from a legal point of view complemented by an interdisciplinary approach. Her doctoral research focuses on the issue of regulating crowd work in labor law. She is a member of ROSELS, the Research Observatory on Sharing Economy, Law, and Society.

Team 3
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Mapping Rioplatense Platform Economy. The case of MercadoLibre in Uruguay and Argentina
Argentina, Uruguay

Ana Laura Rivoir
Universidad de la República
Ana Laura Rivoir is a full time researcher and professor at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de la Republica. She has been conducting the research group ObervaTIC (Observatory on Information and Communication Technologies) at Universidad de la República since 2007.

Alejandro Artopoulos
Universidad de San Andrés
Alejandro is Professor at the School of Education of Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina. His research examines informational development in Latin America using Actor Network Theory. His fieldwork concerns educational change both in relation to use of Internet at schools, as the emergence of knowledge-based economy. He is a Advisor to ConectarIgualdad and MOE Argentina and a visiting Professor at UBA, UNGS, y Università di Bologna. Alejandro has previously been a consultant for INTEL, Samsung, AACREA, UNESCO, IADB, PNUD.

Jimena Huarte
Universidad de San Andrés
Jimena Huarte is a Research Assistant at the Universidad de San Andres. She has is currently pursuing her Masters in Education at Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina.
Travel platforms: Addressing Social, Environmental and Gender Concerns

Caitlin Bentley
independent researcher
Caitlin Bentley has been working within the area of information and communications technologies for development (ICT4D) since 2003. She began researching the use of ICT within civil society organisations in Africa and in Canada, and has contributed to a number of projects focused on enhancing learning and accountability through ICT. In 2015, she started working for the Singapore Internet Research Centre at Nanyang Technological University to pursue her interests in open development, which she views as a window to address structural inequalities and to take advantage of new collaboration opportunities afforded by networked ICTs. She helped to create a programme of research on open development, within which she has co-edited a book entitled Critical Perspectives on Open Development: Empirical Interrogation of Theory Construction (due for publication in 2018). Caitlin holds a PhD in Human Geography from Royal Holloway University of London, and an MA in Educational Technology from Concordia University, Canada.

Ilya Fadjar Maharika
Universitas de Islam
Maharika’s research background is on urban - rural spatial dynamics. He holds a doctorate in engineering in the field of architectural theory and urbanism. His current research is on the interventions to urban-rural dynamics in Indonesia including through information technology and open design. He works primarily with students on expanding architectural and urban theories through conceptual and experimental intervention on built environment. He also collaborated with external researchers such as Marc Böhlen, professor in media science at the University of Buffalo on experimental architecture-and- data integration in the AirKami Project ( Together, they have published several conference articles including prototyping ubiquitous biosensing through speculative design and biosensing in the kampung. A full report on AirKami Project will be published in a journal entitled “Learning from Waterbank: After Cloud Computing and Biosensing in the Kampung.” Currently Ilya is researching the impact of environmental data for informal urbanism in Yogyakarta and a book on Open Urban Design with his students in architectural design studio. He is also a registered architect in Indonesia.
Investigating the operational and labour policy frameworks for taxi-hailing platforms: Case of Uber and Taxify in South Africa
South Africa

Sarah Chimbu
INdependent researcher
Sarah Chiumbu is an independent researcher working in Johannesburg, South Africa. Sarah has over 15 years of teaching, research and media activist work. Her areas of research expertise are in: Digital Media, Media Policy & Regulation, Media & Democracy, Community & Alternative Media and Policy Analysis. Sarah has been Principle Investigator on several scholarly projects and has undertaken a range of advisory and consultancy assignments with several funding and NGO institutions.

Admire Mare
University of Johannesburg
Admire Mare is currently a Global Excellence in Stature Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the department of Journalism. Film and Television at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), Auckland Campus. He was a senior qualitative researcher in the UNESCO project on “World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development.” His research interests include: social media, political communication, digital activism and journalism, youth studies, critical political economy of platforms, war and peace journalism as well as communication surveillance in Southern Africa.

Shepherd Mpofu
university of johannesburg
Shepherd Mpofu holds a Ph.D. in Media Studies and is currently a Global Excellence Research Fellow at the University of Johannesburg. His research and teaching interests are in media and identity, politics, digital media, citizen journalism and comparative media systems. His latest publications include the following: ‘Making heroes, (un)making the nation?: ZANU-PF’s imaginations of the Heroes Acre, heroes and construction of identity in Zimbabwe from 2000 to 2015’ (African Identities), and ‘Toxification of national holidays and national identity in Zimbabwe’s post 2000 nationalism’ (Journal of African Cultural Studies, 28: 1, pp. 28–43).
Deliver on the promise of the platform economy in China: A policy agenda for inclusive development

Julie Yujie Chen
University of Leicester
Julie Yujie Chen is Lecturer in Digital Media and Communication in the School of Media, Communication and Sociology at the University of Leicester. Studying and writing about digital labor issues, Chen is particularly interested in how interplay among technologies, cultural contexts, and existing socio-economic structures impacts on the experience and perceptions of digital work and how workers’ lived experience with ICT constructs their own narratives. She has spent 14 months on studying ride-hailing platforms and care worker platforms in mainland China and Hong Kong. Chen published the first studies on ride-hailing apps in China in New Media & Society. Chen specializes in studying how ICT and the narratives around technology and development shift, shape, and reorganize work. Currently she is working on a book manuscript studying datafication power and digital labor rights.

Jack Linchuan Qiu
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jack Linchuan Qiu is Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he serves as deputy director of the C-Centre (Centre for Chinese Media and Comparative Communication Research).Qiu is specialized in ICT policy, digital labor, and social development. His publications include Goodbye iSlave (Univ of Illinois Press, 2016), World’s Factory in the Information Age (Guangxi Normal Univ Press, 2013), Working-Class Network Society (MIT Press, 2009), Mobile Communication and Society (co-authored, MIT Press, 2006), some of which have been translated into German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Korean. He is on the editorial boards of 12 international academic journals, including six indexed in the SSCI, and is Associate Editor for Journal of Communication. He also works with grassroots NGOs and provides consultancy services for international organizations. Qiu is also a member of Information Society 50 Forum, a consortium of policy-makers and leading scholars from economics and ICT studies in China.

Sophie Ping Sun
chinese academy of social science
Sophie Ping Sun is Assistant Professor at the Department of Journalism and Communication in Chinese Academy of Social Science. She has studied IT industry and knowledge workers in China. Sun has also conducted interviews with corporate leaders from food delivery platform companies and start preliminary researches on workers on food delivery platforms. Her publication has appeared in Triple C: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. She is also the recipient of best student paper for International Communication Association Post-Conference and 14th Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC).